
{{ option.description }}

Token Settings

This is a real customer token.
This is a real Piranha access token.
This is a real access token for the API Gateway. Optional.
This is a real access token created by ForgeRock (RAITT). It's sent to the COMS backend for authentication & authorization. This is simulating the integrating portal by attaching the access token to all submitted rest requests.
An access token for the 4th-Platform. Optional. At this point of time, this is actually a Piranha access token . If set, make sure to also set the 4th-Platform consent API below.

Main Attribute Settings

The service provider id. Required.
The register id (aka frontend order id). Optional.
The local customer id. Optional.
The customer lifecycle. In multi-edit mode, you must select a lifecycle that has a view lifecycle configured.
Check for a new customer registration. Uncheck for selfcare.
The base URL to the COMS API, e.g., "https://$host". Suitable gateway APIs are "coms-{env}" and "coms4sfsc-{env}" (the latter one only in conjunction with customer token). With fake tokens, you must use a direct API w/o gateway here. With real tokens, you must use an API via gateway here.
The base URL to the 4th-Platform consent API, e.g., "https://$host". Optional. If set, make sure to also set the 4th-Platform access token above. With fake tokens, you must use a direct API w/o gateway/4p here.
The base URL to OCCL resources, e.g., "https://$host/$brandid".
Or, alternatively, use the Telefónica ONE design system: {{ option.label }} on environment: {{ option.label }}
Optional style-context identifiers, separated by blanks.

Properties for Token Payload

Properties for Kernel Simulation

For all requests to the 4th-platform consent API a tenant is required. This is simulating kernel platform bahavior. Headers `x-tenant` and `x-token-info` are set under the hood.

Other Optional Attribute Settings

Optional mode for self-care use cases. In multi-edit mode, make sure you choose a lifecycle that has a view lifecycle configured.
An optional list of document references as JSON-formatted string, e.g. [{ "type": "Voice", "source": "CCT", "id": "XXXX" }].
The usertype of the customer service agent. Used for logging purposes.
An optional field for internal purposes.
Optional trace id for logging and debugging purposes.